Sample Sale - One of a Kind, Limited Edition, and excess inventory, all 30-50% off

Sample Sale - One of a Kind, Limited Edition, and excess inventory, all 30-50% off

by Tawny Reynolds on Nov 11, 2015

The sale is on!  Find discontinued colors and styles of earrings and necklaces, limited editions, and pieces that never made it into production, all in the shop now at 50% off!  Or, have you had your eye on something for a while?  I've also got some pieces of excess inventory on sale for 30% off - so go take a look!
Shop Now  >>
Whether you're looking for holiday gifts or something for yourself (there are a lot of holiday parties coming up!), you’ll find just what you need in the shop.

Can’t decide which is your favorite?  Why not buy more than one?
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1 comment

  • Patricia Greeson
    Jun 01, 2017 at 14:10

    For many businesses, inventory is the single most expensive investment they hold. It has become more and more common that a business will tie half of [if not more] its total capital in to inventory. Unfortunately in today’s economy, carrying too much inventory has proven to be a burden for most companies. It needs to be understood, that inventory is directly correlated with cost and risk: the larger the inventory, the larger the cost and risk. Today, we will discuss how your goods turn in to excess inventory and how your excess inventory is costing you money every day. Feel free to visit


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