I wanted to give you some sneak peeks of the new geometric jewelry I'm working on. I usually work in sterling silver, but for this new project I decided to try something else new - bronze! The warm coppery gold color changes up the whole feel of the pieces. Here's a peek behind the scenes...

Sawing geometric shapes out of a sheet of bronze.

When she saw the shapes I had cut out, my daughter insisted I make a heart too. Trying a couple different designs with the heart - which do you like better?

Hole troubles... First I punched a hole too close to the edge, and just a few minutes later the hole-punching pliers broke! Time to get out the drill, I guess...
One finished bronze triangle, all polished and shiny! How many more to go?
UPDATE: They're here! The new collection of geometric jewelry in warm bronze is in the shop now.
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