Go for gold! Or posts, kidneys, or clip-ons...

Go for gold! Or posts, kidneys, or clip-ons...

by Tawny Reynolds on Sep 26, 2024

I was recently reminded that silver isn't for everyone.  Some people just love the look of gold.  If that's you (or someone you'd love to buy a gift for), I've got you covered!

Most of my earrings (and necklaces) can easily be converted to gold-fill - just add an earring upgrade to your cart along with the glass color and earrings style you want!  And I have other earring types too, if that's more your style: kidney wires, posts, and even clip-ons!

My daughter wearing Sundrops even before she got her ears pierced!

So if you love Sundrops but not my standard silver french earwires, hop over to my online shop now to find your favorite color and earring design, and add whichever upgrade you like!

On another note: While I'm sure you're tired of hearing about voting (me too), I wanted to remind you that I'm donating half of September's profits from my online shop to the Environmental Voter Project this month.  I believe that electing people who will push for good environmental and climate policy is essential - all up and down the ballot - and the Environmental Voter Project is an awesome way to help do that!

"We identify inactive environmentalists and transform them into consistent voters to build the power of the environmental movement.

With behavioral science-informed messaging, we call, canvass, mail, and send digital ads to millions of low-propensity environmental voters each year with just one goal: turning them into better voters."
- Environmental Voter Project

So, place your order before the end of the month (that's Monday!) and help elect people who will move us toward a more livable environment.  (And if you're ready to do more, go to environmentalvoter.org and volunteer with one of their many phone banks to call and encourage registered voters who care deeply about the environment to actually go cast their ballots!)
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