A couple videographer friends from Mothership HackerMoms did a video interview with me about Sundrop Jewelry, motherhood, and running a business with kids - and I think it looks awesome! (Except, you know, for the part about me hating to see myself on video ;-p )
It's even got video of me using my giant magnifying glass to melt glass with sunshine - viewed from a distance so you can tell what's going on instead of me precariously holding my phone up with one hand while I manage to melt a single drop of glass one-handed. (It's a lot easier when I get to use both hands.) Watch below, or on Vimeo.
Mothership Hackermoms Profiles: Tawny from Heather Reilly on Vimeo.
Hi Tawny! I’m glad to see you’re still in the Sundrop business! I interviewed to work with you a few years ago in Minneapolis but did not stay long and then found out that you were moving. I suppose you set up shop in your new location! (Out West? NW? I can’t remember… Anyway the video is great and it’s great (and admirable) that you’ve started up again where you are, kids and all! Good luck and keep on working hard. I see your work is here at the Bakken. I’ll have to look for it! I now have my own jewelry designs on etsy. The link is www.etsy.com/shop/KimGernsbacherSwiler
Enjoy! Happy Holidays, Kim